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Title:Preparation and technical-summaries of two national standards for combined warm-cold forging process
Authors: ZHAO Zhen  HU Cheng-liang  ZHUANG Xin-cun  ZHI Yue-sheng ZHOU Lin JIN Hong 
Unit: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Beijing Research Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Technology 
KeyWords: combined warm-cold forging process  warm forging cold-forging forging parts requirement  national standard 

Combined warm-cold forging process has developed rapidly in recent years since it maximizes the advantage of both warm forging and cold forging. Based on the related international technological specifications and current situation in China, technological design principles for combined warm-cold forging process, including the process planning, determination of process parameters, preparation of forging billet and selection of forming equipment were set up to stimulate the development of the industry. The general specifications of combined steel warm-cold forging parts, which consist of raw materials, requirements of heat treatments between warm and cold forging stages, geometric requirements, forming quality and mechanical properties, testing rules and methods, delivery of forging parts were also standardized.


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