英文标题:Characterization method of hardening behavior for metallic materials based on indentation tests
作者:杨恒1 李恒2 傅铭旺1 
单位:1. 香港理工大学 机械工程学系 2. 西北工业大学 凝固技术国家重点实验室 
关键词:小尺寸材料 微构件 硬化行为 压入试验 各向异性 各向同性 

 微介观尺度构件成形制造技术的快速发展,迫切要求实现特征尺寸小于1 mm的小尺寸材料和微构件力学性能的准确表征,但这类材料/构件尺寸限制了标准拉伸或者压缩试验的开展。压入试验由于微损、微区且试样制备简单等优点,在材料力学行为表征中被大量使用并表现出广泛的应用潜力。基于此,首先对基于压入试验的各向同性硬化行为表征方法进行了总结,简要介绍了球形压入、圆锥压入、棱锥压入、平面压入和纳米压痕测试表征材料应变硬化行为的原理和特征。然后,介绍了压入法表征各向异性硬化行为的原理,评述了各压入方法的优缺点。最后,总结了基于压入试验的金属材料硬化行为表征方法研究取得的主要进展和面临的主要问题和科学挑战,这对小尺寸材料和微构件力学性能准确表征方法的进一步发展及应用具有重要意义。

  The rapid development of forming and manufacturing technology of micro-and meso-scaled components urgently requires the accurate characterization of mechanical properties for small-sized materials and micro-components with the characteristic size less than 1 mm. However, the size of such materials/components limits the conduction of standard tensile or compression tests. The indentation test, due to the advantages such as micro-invasion, micro-zone and simplicity in sample preparation, is widely used in the characterization for mechanical behavior for materials and has wide application potential. Based on this, the characterization methods of isotropic hardening behavior based on indentation tests were summarized firstly, and the principles and characteristics of spherical indentation, conical indentation, pyramidal indentation, planar indentation and nano indentation tests to characterize the strain hardening behavior were briefly introduced. Then, the principle of anisotropic hardening behavior characterized by indentation method was introduced, and the advantages and disadvantages of each indentation method were discussed. Finally, the main research progress, main problems and scientific challenges in characterizing the hardening behavior of metal materials based on the indentation tests were summarized, which was of great significance for the further development and application of accurate characterization methods for the mechanical properties of small-sized materials and micro-components. 

作者简介:杨恒(1993-),男,博士 通信作者:傅铭旺(1963-),男,博士,讲席教授

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