三维剧烈塑性法轧制F45MnVS 超细晶钢棒及细化机理
英文标题:Three dimensional severe plastic rolling of F45MnVS ultrafine grain steel rod and its refining mechanism
作者:牛 犇1  庞玉华1  孙 琦1  赵嘉豪1  刘 东2  张 喆2 
单位:1. 西安建筑科技大学 2. 西北工业大学 
关键词:F45MnVS   轧制  晶粒细化  动态回复  动态再结晶  位错塞积 
分类号:TG335. 62

 以F45MnVS 钢棒为研究对象, 利用自主研发的3D-SPD 轧机, 经直径压缩率为44%的1 道次轧制成形后风冷, 制备了直径为Φ25 mm 的超细晶棒材; 借助显微检测探究了变形后组织和晶粒的演变规律及细化机制。结果表明: 变形后棒料中的铁素体含量增加, 其中边部的铁素体增量最多, 增加了26. 1%; 组织和晶粒均得到了细化, 平均晶粒尺寸细化至2. 8 μm, 珠光体片层间距细化至0. 21 μm, 且晶粒无明显取向性; 变形后, 屈服强度、抗拉强度和冲击功分别提升了17. 2%、10. 5%和48. 3%, 伸长率降低了3. 1%。铁素体含量的增加与大变形下应变诱导奥氏体向铁素体转变有关; 组织和晶粒细化的主要原因为大应变导致的动态回复、动态再结晶和应变诱导铁素体转变; 晶粒的弱取向性主要是该变形的扭转力更大和变形区较长所致; 材料强度的提升得益于组织和晶粒细化, 而韧性的提升还与相变诱导铁素体含量的增加有关。

 For F45MnVS steel rod, using the self-developed 3D-SPD rolling mill, the ultrafine grain bar with a diameter of Φ25 mm was prepared by one-pass rolling with a reducing diameter rate of 44% and then air-cooled, and the evolution law and refinement mechanism of microstructure and grain after deformation were investigated by means of microscopic examination. The results show that the ferrite content in the bar after deformation increases, among them, the increase in the side is the largest with increasing by 26. 1%, the microstructure and grains are both refined, the average grain size is refined to 2. 8 μm, the pearlite lamellar spacing is refined to 0. 21 μm, and the deformed grains are not significantly oriented. After deformation, the yield strength, tensile strength and impact energy are increased by 17. 2%, 10. 5% and 48. 3%, respectively, and the elongation is slightly decreased by 3. 1%. However, the increased ferrite content is associated with strain-induced austenite to ferrite transformation at large deformation, and the main reasons for the microstructure and grain refinement are the dynamic recovery, dynamic recrystallization and strain-induced ferrite transformation caused by large strain. The weak orientation of grains is mainly caused by the large torsional force and longer deformation zone of this deformation, and the improvement of material strength is due to the refinement of microstructure and grains, and the improvement of toughness is also related to the increasing

of phase transformation-induced ferrite content. 


作者简介: 牛 犇(1995-), 男, 硕士 E-mail: 2494166328@ qq. com 通信作者: 庞玉华(1965-), 女, 博士, 教授 E-mail: pyhyyl@ 126. com

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