英文标题:Intelligent simulation on matching of main roller rotate speed in vertical double drive rolling for large cylindrical parts
作者:高尚 郭良刚 
单位:西北工业大学长三角研究院 西北工业大学 
关键词:立式双驱轧制 双主辊转速匹配 成形稳定性 圆度缺陷 筒形件 


 To solve the problems of roundness defect caused by poor stability in rolling process for large cylindrical parts by vertical double drive, firstly, an finite element intelligent simulation model of the vertical double drive rolling for cylindrical parts was established, in which the rolling process was driven by the growing speed of cylindrical parts and the coordinated movements of multiple rollers was realized. Secondly, three kinds of matching schemes for double main rollers rotate speed were proposed, namely, matching at the start time, the middle time or the end time of rolling process. Finally, the influence laws of three kinds of schemes on the stability of rolling process and the roundness of cylindrical parts were discussed by finite element simulations. The result shows that in the rolling process of the three kinds of schemes, the forming stability and the roundness of cylindrical parts become worse first and then better. Besides, compared with matching at the start time and at the middle time of rolling process,the forming stability and the roundness of cylindrical parts are the best when the rotate speed of double main rollers are matched at the end time of rolling process, which provides important foundation for the optimal design and robust control of the vertical double drive rolling process for large cylindrical parts.


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