英文标题:Multi-station closed precision forging process for six-inch flange
作者:闫红艳1 郭永强1 2 王志科1 徐春国1 刘波1 张南1 
单位:1. 北京机电研究所有限公司 2. 中机(济南)精密成形工程技术有限公司 
关键词:法兰 闭式精锻工艺 自动化生产 多工位模具 型腔结构 

 主要介绍了3~6 寸法兰(直径为Φ150Φ300 mm)的闭式精锻工艺及自动化生产中的关键问题及分析。首先,根据锻件的特点设计锻件加工余量为12 mm(不包括由于拔模角增加的余量),确定锻造工艺为加热、预锻、终锻和冲孔。对预锻形状进行分析优化,将模拟结果与实际情况进行对比,分析锻件缺陷产生的原因。通过优化终锻模具型腔结构来弥补无法改善的预锻件内孔边缘的缺陷。最后,分析了模具在设计中可能存在的影响连续生产的因素,并提出了解决方案。设计的法兰多工位闭式精锻工艺可以生产出合格的法兰精锻件,模具寿命也可以达到自动化生产要求,根据产品重量的不同,稳定生产节拍为60~90 ·h-1

 Key problems and analysis on the closed precision forging process and the automatic production of 3-6 inch flanges (Φ150-Φ300 mm) were mainly introduced. First, according to the characteristics of forgings, the machining allowance of forgings was designed to be 1-2 mm (excluding the allowance due to increase of draft angle), and the forging process was determined as heating, pre-forging, final forging and punching. Then, the pre-forging shape was analyzed and optimized, and the causes of forging defects were analyzed by comparing simulation results and actual situation. Furthermore, by optimizing the cavity structure of final forging die, the defects of inner hole edge for pre-forging part that could not be improved were compensated. Finally, the factors affecting the continuous production in the design of die were analyzed, and the solutions were proposed. The result shows that the designed flange multi-station closed precision forging process produces qualified precision forgings of flange, and the die life meets the requirements of automatic production. In addition, the stable production cycle is 60-90 pieces per hour depending on the weight of product.


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