英文标题:Process scheme design on warm precision forging for spacer bush
作者:骆静 张驰 周立华 向渝 陈勇全 何拥忠 
单位:成都理工大学工程技术学院 重庆市模具技术重点实验室 
关键词:间隔衬套 温精锻 金属流动 充填效果 齿爪 

?某款间隔衬套下端因其具有8个异形齿爪而在加工过程中较难成形,针对该问题设计了两种成形工艺方案,并借助有限元分析软件模拟两种方案下间隔衬套的成形过程及齿爪处的金属流动情况,量化比较了两种方案中齿爪的充填效果。模拟结果表明:初步成形工艺方案中,齿爪的充填以轴向挤入为主,其金属流动较差、充填效果不饱满,齿爪外侧充填较内侧的差,外侧最大不饱满高度约为1.5 mm,内侧最大不饱满高度约为1.0 mm,达不到后续机加工的要求;改进工艺方案中,齿爪的充填方式为金属轴向挤入和周向流动的复合充填,外侧最大不饱满高度降至0.4 mm,改善效果明显。应用改进工艺方案进行工艺实验,其试制产品和模拟结果具有较好的一致性,锻件可以满足后续机加工的设计要求。


 It is difficult to form in the process for a spacer bush because it has eight special shaped tooth claws at the end. In order to solve this problem, two forming process schemes were proposed. Then, the forming process of spacer bush and the metal flow situation at the tooth claws under the above two schemes were simulated by the finite element analysis software, and their filling effects of tooth claws for two schemes were quantified and compared. The simulation results show that in the preliminary forming process scheme, the filling of tooth claw is dominated by axial extrusion, the metal flow is poor and the filling effect is not full, the outside filling of tooth claw is worse than that of inside, the maximum underfill height on the outside is about 1.5 mm, and the maximum underfill height on the inside is about 1.0 mm, which cannot meet the requirements of subsequent machining. Furthermore, in the improved process scheme, the filling method of tooth claw is a composite filling of metal axial extrusion and circumferential flow, and the maximum underfill height on the outside is reduced to 0.4 mm and the improvement effect is obvious. Thus, the trial products and the simulation results have good consistence by the improved process scheme, and the forgings can meet the design requirements of subsequent machining.


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