英文标题:Quality traceability technology of forged aluminum alloy wheels based on single piece identification
作者:袁超 张承基 孙勇 邓盛彪 孙伟领 
单位:北京机电研究所有限公司 华安正兴车轮有限公司 
关键词:单件追溯 单件标识 激光刻码 锻造铝合金车轮 MES 
In order to meet the traceability requirements of forged aluminum alloy wheel companies on product quality information, a set of full-process quality traceability technology based on laser-engraved single-piece identification was proposed, and on basis of introduction of laser engraving principle, the optimal engraving position of different production units was checked by the level of identification rate of single piece identification. Then, in the production unit, the virtual code was bound to the production process quality data by the logical stack, and outside the production unit, the MES manufacturing execution system was connected by the physical code to ensure the integrity and continuity of traceability information. Combined with the characteristics of forged aluminum alloy wheel and production, the scope and process of traceability were defined, and the establishment of a traceability method with single piece traceability as the core was proposed to realize the traceability management for the entire process of product.
智能制造新模式应用项目(工信部联装[2016] 213号)
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