英文标题:Study on virtual animation technology of sheet metal bending
作者:熊雄 姚斌 欧阳醌 卢杰 李晓卉 
单位:厦门大学 固高科技(深圳)有限公司 
关键词:薄板折弯成形  数控  OpenGL ES  仿真 

板料折弯成形是指把薄板材料弯成一定角度的加工方法。本文通过分析折弯机结构参数,基于OpenGL ES在WinCE的平台上建立了数控折弯成形仿真的可视化界面,实现了板料折弯成形的3D动态仿真。以树状结构为基础,结合干涉检测等影响板料折弯成形的工艺因素,探讨了板料折弯成形的工艺改进以及工序搜索方法,计算判断出可行的板料折弯成形工序,再由OpenGL ES直观显示板料折弯加工工艺信息。板料折弯成形试验表明,该方法可以实现快速、精确的板料折弯成形。

Sheet metal bending is a method to bend the sheet metal with a certain angle. Through analysis of the structural parameters of bending machine and based on OpenGL ES, the  visual interface of NC bending animation was established on the WinCE platform, and the 3D dynamic animation of sheet metal bending was achieved. Based on tree structure, the forming process development and search method of sheet metal bending were discussed combinated with interference detection and some else factors affecting the forming process.  And a feasible procedure of sheet metal bending was achieved,then the information of sheet metal bending procedure was showed with OpenGL ES. And the forming method of sheet metal bending can achieve accurate,rapid and precise sheet metal forming with field machining.


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